Blog & Parent Communication
Long Day Care Centres:
Our blog & parent communication practices are strongly integrated with your child's Learning Outcomes, based on the national Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). Your child's daily Learning Outcomes are monitored and reported to you through our secure online blog.
Reporting of your child's daily activity is the first part of communicating your child's Learning Outcomes for the day. A detailed blog is written by our educators that describe each part of the day and the activities your child participates in. We describe what Learning Outcomes are achieved for that particular part of the day, so you can be rest assured your child is receiving quality care & education. This also creates a strong sense of pride for our educators as they enthusiastically report on the learning outcomes they successfully facilitate for your child.
Observation through photos is the second part of communicating your child's Learning Outcomes for the day. With your permission, our educators take photographs of your child throughout the day, giving you a precious insight into their daily activity and behaviour.
In addition to daily reporting, our centers often have fun and educational events throughout the year. An interactive schedule of this can be found in the secure blog section of the site and is also accompanied by regular announcements. (For example: Father’s Day breakfast, Book Week celebrations, dress up days and hatching eggs program)
For a demonstration of our secure blog, please book a visit at one of our centers.