Kirrawee Child Care Centre
Kirrawee Child Care Centre educates & cares for children between the ages of 0 to 6 years, operating 5 days per week, 7am – 6pm, 50 weeks of the year (Excluding public holidays).
Kirrawee Child Care Centre was established in February 1994 to meet the Child Care needs of the families in the Sutherland Shire. This was the beginning of our experienced and passionate team, dedicated to providing quality care and education for the community. Since we opened our doors over 20 years ago, we have always maintained the latest in care and education practices in line with the National Learning Framework. This has also provided the perfect foundation for expanding our services for child care & school care to Bonnet Bay, Oyster Bay and St Catherines Gymea. It’s this experience and trust we enjoy from the community that makes Kirrawee Child Care Centre a positive and re-assuring choice for parents.
Kirrawee CCC consists of 2 rooms, Bilby Room (0-2 year olds) and Crocodile Room (2-5 yr olds). The Crocodile and Bilby rooms are set up to encourage children to explore, experiment and learn through a variety of indoor/outdoor play experiences. The classroom doors open out to an outdoor area with a native garden, dry creek bed, fish pond, sandpit, soft fall area for climbing equipment, quiet areas and a garden area for the children to grow their choice of vegies, fruit, herbs and various plants. The Centre is air conditioned both for both cooling and heating according to the Australian Standard. All of our educators follow the strict accreditation requirements of ACECQA to ensure the highest quality of care for your child.
Sustainability is also embedded into the everyday routine at Kirrawee CCC. Children are encouraged to assist with the worm farm, compost heap, turning lights off when not in the room, collecting water when it rains and recycling and reusing a variety of materials. Families are encouraged to become involved to strengthen the link between home and care. This is supported through face-to-face communication with our educators, as well as a secure daily blog and photo gallery of your child’s learning experiences.

Tel. (02) 9545 4556
473 Princess Hwy
Kirrawee NSW 2232
7:00AM to 6:00PM
Monday to Friday